Ich habe mir gerade eben mal den Plan für heute durchgelsen und hätte dazu eins, zwei Fragen.
1) Im Flight Plan wird an manchen Stellen von HST geredet. Wofür ist denn das die Abkürzung?
Ähmm und wo??
Hier nun der Flightplan
Flight Day 4
13:43 MEZ STS/ISS crew wakeup
15:13 MEZ ISS daily planning conference
16:08 MEZ SRMS powerup
16:38 MEZ SSRMS S6 grapple/unberth
17:53 MEZ SSRMS moves S6 to handoff position
18:13 MEZ Equipment lock preps
18:43 MEZ SRMS grapples S6
18:58 MEZ EVA-1: Tools configured
19:03 MEZ SSRMS ungrapples S6
19:18 MEZ SSRMS maneuvers XLAT
19:43 MEZ SOKOL suit leak check/dry
19:58 MEZ PAO event
20:18 MEZ Crew meals begin
21:18 MEZ EVA-1: Tool audit
21:43 MEZ SRMS moves S6 to handoff position
22:58 MEZ SSRMS grapples S6
23:28 MEZ SRMS ungrapples S6
23:43 MEZ SSRMS to overnight park position
01:28 MEZ ISS evening planning conference
01:43 MEZ EVA-1: Procedures review
03:38 MEZ EVA-1: Mask pre-breathe
04:23 MEZ EVA-1: Airlock depress to 10.2 psi
04:43 MEZ ISS crew sleep begins
05:13 MEZ STS crew sleep begins