Neuer Entwurf für die EU Raumfahrtagentur: to space
1.The Programme shall support the procurement and aggregation of launching services for the needs of the Programme;and, at their request, the aggregation for Member States and international organisations.
2. In synergies with other Union programmes and funding schemes, and without prejudice to the European Space Agency's activities in the area of access to space, the Programme may support:
(a)adaptations, includingt echnology development,to space launch systems which are necessary for launching satellites, including alternative technologies and innovative systems on access to space, for the implementation of the Programme components;
(b) adaptations to the space ground infrastructure, including new developments, which are necessary for the implementation of the Programme.
Immerhin ein bischen wird die EU bei dem Thema Trägerraketen jetzt wohl mitmischen.
1. The financial envelope for the implementation of the Programme for the period 2021 –2027, including for the associated risks, shall be EUR [16] billion [in current prices.]
The distribution of the amount referred to in the first subparagraph shall be broken down in the following categories of expenditure:
(a) for Galileo and EGNOS: EUR [9,7] billion;
(b) for Copernicus: EUR [5,8] billion;
(c) for SSA/GOVSATCOM: EUR [0,5] billion.
16 Milliarden Euro für 7 Jahre ist das Budget, macht also etwas über 2 Milliarden pro Jahr.
2. Additional measures as foreseen by Article 3, namely activities referred to in Article 5 and in Article 6, shall be financed under the Programme's components
Also das Geld für Trägerrraketen soll wohl irgendwie aus dem Budget von oben kommen.
Principles of procurement
1. The contracting authority shall act in accordance with the following principles in procurement procedures for the purpose of the Programme:
(a) to promote in all Member States throughout the Union and,throughout the supply chain, the widest and most open participation possible of all economic operators, in particular start-ups, new entrants and small and medium sized enterprises, including the requirement of sub-contracting by the tenderers;
(b) to ensure effective competition and, where possible, avoid reliance on a single provider, in particular for critical equipment and services, taking into account the objectives of technological independence and continuity of services;
(c) by derogation from Article 167 of the Financial Regulation, to use, wherever appropriate, multiple supply sources in order to ensure better overall control of all the components of the Programme, their cost and schedule;
(cc)to followthe principles of open access and fair competition throughout the industrial supply chain, tendering on the basis of the provision of transparent and timely information, clear communication of the applicable procurement rules and procedures, selection and award criteria and any other relevant information allowing a level-playing field for all potential bidders, including SMEs and start-ups;
(d) to reinforce the autonomy of the Union, in particular in technological terms;
(e) to comply with the security requirements of the components of the Programme and to contribute to the protection of the essential security interests of the Union and its Member States;
(ee) to promote service continuity and reliability;
(f) to satisfy appropriate social and environmental criteria.
Conditional stage-payment contracts
Commercial Orbital Transportation Services jetzt möglich!
j)Share of Ariane and Vega launches in the total market based on publicly available data
Es fehlt mir im Entwurf übrigens etwas zur Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Zwar steht was zu Öffentlichkeitsarbeit bei Galileo und Copernicus aber ein eigener Artikel wäre schon angemessen. Den aktuellen Chef von der GSA Carlo des Dorides kennt ja auch niemand.
Ich hoffe mal das ändert sich mit der neuen Agentur. Ein eigener Twitteraccount wie Bridenstine, Le Gall oder Wörner ist ein Muss meiner Meinung nach.