Kleine Timeline
L-8 hours: Final countdown begins; Systems checks on Soyuz begin
L-6 hours: Batteries installed in booster REV A
L-5h 30m: State Commission issues launch approval REV A
L-5h 15m Crew arrives at site 254 REV A
L-5 hours: Systems checks begin
L-4h 20m: Launch vehicle fueling authorization review
L-4h 20m: Crew gets into Sokol suits
L-4 hours: Launch vehicle fueling begins [other: L – 5hr] REV A
L-3h 40m Crew reports to delegations REV A
L-3 hours Oxidizer loading completed; tank cars depart REV A
L-2h 40m: Crew arrives at launch pad
L-2h 30m: Crew ingress REV A
L-2 hours: Soyuz hatch closed
L-1h 45m: Final Soyuz DM systems checks begin REV A
L-1h 45m: Sokol suit air flow initiated REV A
Soyuz spacecraft pressurized
Launcher systems final checks
L-1h 30m: DM/OM hatch pressure check REV A
Crew switches on communications system
L- 60min: Launcher inertial guidance system activated
L- 60 min: Launch pad area evacuation begins
L- 45 min: Flight program loaded into onboard computers
L- 45 min: Service structure halves are lowered (white room) REV A
L- 40 min: Soyuz DM systems checks complete REV A
L- 40 min: Sokol pressure verification begins
L- 30 min: launch command power activated REV A
L- 30 min: Soyuz SAS activated
L- 25 min: Removal of service towers
L- 15 min: Sokol leak tests complete REV A
L- 15 min: Launch pad area evacuation completed
L- 15 min: Escape system auto mode enabled REV A
L- 10 min: Inertial guidance systems unlocked
L- 10 min: Crew activates on-board recorders REV A
L- 6m 15s: Auto launch sequence activated REV A
“Launch key” handed to launch director REV A
L - 6 min: All systems declared ‘Ready to Launch’ REV A
L - 5 min: Activation of ground and onboard telemetry
Onboard systems switched to onboard control REV A
Commander's controls activated REV A
Crew switches to suit air by closing helmets REV A
Launch key inserted in launch bunker REV A
L- 3m15s 1st & 2nd stage engines purged with nitrogen REV A
L- 2m40s: Umbilical mast power disconnected to 3rd stage
L- 2m35s: Pressurization of propellant tanks starts
L- 2m30s: Pressurization of all tanks with nitrogen begins REV A
L- 2m30s: Onboard measurement system activated REV A
L- 2m15s: Oxidizer and fuel drain and safety valves closed REV A
L- 2m15s: Ground filling of oxidizer & nitrogen terminated REV A
L- 60 sec: Transfer to on-board power supply
L- 60 sec: Automatic sequencer enabled REV A
L- 60 sec: First umbilical tower separates from booster REV A
L- 40 sec: Power umbilical to third stage disconnected REV A
L- 20 sec: “Key to Start” initiates auto sequencer control
L- 20 sec: Ignition of 1st, 2nd stage engines at intermediate thrust level
L- 15 sec: Second umbilical tower separates from booster REV A
L- 10 sec: Engine turbopumps at flight speed REV A
L- 5 sec: First stage engines at maximum thrust REV A
L- 0 sec: Fueling tower retracts REV A
L-0: Liftoff!