landung timeline
Für den ersten Versuch:
05:14 PM......Begin deorbit timeline
05:29 PM......Radiator stow
05:39 PM......Mission specialists seat installation
05:45 PM......Computers set for deorbit prep
05:49 PM......Hydraulic system configuration
06:14 PM......Flash evaporator checkout
06:20 PM......Final payload deactivation
06:34 PM......Payload bay doors closed
06:44 PM......Mission control 'go' for OPS-3 entry software load
06:54 PM......OPS-3 transition
07:19 PM......Entry switchlist verification
07:29 PM......Deorbit maneuver update
07:34 PM......Crew entry review
07:49 PM......CDR/PLT don entry suits
08:06 PM......IMU alignment
08:14 PM......CDR/PLT strap in; MS suit don
08:31 PM......Shuttle steering check
08:34 PM......Hydraulic system prestart
08:41 PM......Toilet deactivation
08:54 PM......Mission control 'go' for deorbit burn
09:00 PM......MS seat ingress
09:09 PM......Single APU start
09:14:52 PM...Deorbit ignition
09:17:30 PM...Deorbit burn complete
09:49:03 PM...Entry interface
09:53:54 PM...1st roll command to left
10:04:34 PM...1st roll left to right
10:07:37 PM...C-band radar acquisition
10:14:06 PM...Velocity less than mach 2.5
10:16:18 PM...Velocity less than mach 1
10:17:11 PM...241-degree left turn to runway 15
10:20:37 PM...Landing
Gruß, Klaus