war ja völlig klar, dass das mit dem start gestern nichts werden konnte, ich hab's nämlich versäumt rechtzeitig mein "mission mars" sweatshirt anzuziehen, dass ich traditionell bei start und landung trage - leute, ich bin schuld!
und keine sorge, heute, mache ich's anders
und es sieht gut aus:
None of the strikes hit the shuttle or its external tank and solid rocket boosters, but there were strikes to the lightning mast and water tower. The launch pad is equipped with a lightning protection system of wires that is intended to steer bolts away from the shuttle.
"We've seen nothing so far that shows anything affected any of the systems," said Mike Moses, chairman of the pre-launch Mission Management Team.
Two of the strikes were strong enough to trigger an evaluation by engineers just to make sure all of Endeavour's systems are ready for flight. Although early evaluations showed no problems, engineers wanted more time to make sure they have checked everything correctly.
"We need to be 100 percent confident that we have a good system across the board," Moses said.
The launch time for Sunday is 7:13 p.m. EDT. The weather forecast calls for a 60 percent chance of acceptable conditions. ausserdem glänzt das shuttle gerade in der florida sonne und die RSS ist zurückgefahren.......ich wünsche demnach optimistisch allen hier einen wunderschönen startablauf und einen gelungenen climb into orbit