Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)

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Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« am: 30. Juni 2006, 05:13:23 »

zwischen dem 10. und 15. Juli 2006 startet Indien vom eigenen Weltraumbahnhof Srihakota mit einer *GSLV MK1* den ~ 2,0 t schweren Kommunikations-Satelliten *Insat 4C* in die GEO-Position.

Der indische Träger ist jetzt mit einer neuen dritten eigenen Stufe ausgerüstet (LH 2 / LOX) nachdem alle anderen Starts von *GSLV MK 1* mit der russischen 3. Stufe *12 KRB* von Chrunitschew ausgeführt wurden.


     * 01.-19.07.2006 - Start US-Shuttle DISCOVERY zur ISS / STS 121 von CC
    * 22.07.2006 - Start Delta II 10L mit Satellit Stereo von CC
    * 22.07.2006 - Cassini bei Titan ~ 950 km Orbit # 21
    * 11.08.2006 - Start Ariane 5 ECA mit Satelliten Syracuse 3B und JCSat 10 von Kourou 
    * weitere Termine >>>>>
« Letzte Änderung: 03. September 2011, 15:44:23 von Martin »


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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #1 am: 30. Juni 2006, 05:48:45 »

da der indische Träger *GSLV MK1* nicht jedem gleich so bekannt ist, bei mir war es jedenfalls so, kann man hier etwas mehr über ihn erfahren >>>>>



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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #3 am: 30. Juni 2006, 14:43:46 »
Moin Roger

und Danke. Das nenn ich Teamwork.



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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #5 am: 06. Juli 2006, 15:45:01 »
Schönes Photo!  :D

Wie heißt doch gleich noch die indische Göttin mit den vielen Armen?? ;D


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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #6 am: 06. Juli 2006, 15:54:09 »
Übrigens wenn ich es richtig verstehe, ist diese GSLV immer noch mit der russischen 12KRB-Oberstufe ausgestattet.
While the initial flights of GSLV are using the Russian supplied cryogenic stage, the indigenous development of the cryo stage has reached an advanced stage with the engine having already been qualified and the stage systems tests planned in the coming months.


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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #7 am: 06. Juli 2006, 15:58:42 »
Moin Roger,

@ Roger: ja, so sieht *Lakshmi* auch aus, 4 Arme und 2 Beine.

@ Bricktop: das kann eigentlich nicht sein. Meine Info war eine andere.

« Letzte Änderung: 06. Juli 2006, 16:00:22 von H.J.Kemm »


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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #8 am: 06. Juli 2006, 17:35:11 »

Habe zwar keine direkte Angabe darüber, dass die Rakete eine russische Oberstufe nutzt, gefunden, aber alle Hinweise auf der ISRO-Homepage sprechen dafür.

Sogar der Vergleich der Bilder der Oberstufe auf ( ) und spricht dafür.[timestamp=1152200311]
« Letzte Änderung: 06. Juli 2006, 17:38:37 von Bricktop »


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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #9 am: 06. Juli 2006, 18:53:48 »
Moin Bricktop,

ich lese da nur raus, dass 3 Starts mit der *12 KRB*-Obertsufe durchgeführt werden / wurden.

Vom nächsten Start mit der russischen Oberstufe habe ich nichts gefunden.



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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #10 am: 07. Juli 2006, 01:45:40 »
@Jerry: Du musst "zwischen den Zeilen" lesen bzw. selbst Schlussfolgerungen ziehen.

Die ISRO schreibt: the indigenous development of the cryo stage has reached an advanced stage with the engine having already been qualified and the stage systems tests planned in the coming months. Daraus schließt man, dass die indische LH2-Stufe noch nicht fertig ist, d.h. bei diesem Start nicht zur Verfügung steht. Da Indien keine anderen passenden Oberstufen für die GSLV hat, kann die Rakete nur mit einer russischen 12KRB fliegen.


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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #11 am: 07. Juli 2006, 05:38:27 »
Moin Bricktop,

I`m so sorry. I have forgotten my englishbook.

« Letzte Änderung: 07. Juli 2006, 05:40:40 von H.J.Kemm »


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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #12 am: 07. Juli 2006, 18:34:08 »
Hier steht es nochmal in der Zeile.  ;)

The third stage of GSLV is a cryogenic stage that uses liquid Hydrogen as fuel and liquid Oxygen as oxidiser. For GSLV-F02, the cryogenic stage supplied by Russia is used. GSLV employs S-band telemetry and C-band transponders for enabling vehicle performance monitoring, tracking, range safety/flight safety and Preliminary Orbit Determination.

"To invent an airplane is nothing. To build one is something. But to fly is everything." --Otto Lilienthal


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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #13 am: 09. Juli 2006, 22:43:37 »
haben die inder eigentlich auch einen webcast, würd mir den start gern ansehen,
wäre also sehr dankbar für einen link.

"To invent an airplane is nothing. To build one is something. But to fly is everything." --Otto Lilienthal


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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #14 am: 10. Juli 2006, 17:22:51 »
Der Start heute misslang! Die Rakete ist in circa 12 Km höhe explodiert nachdem sich die erste Stufe nicht abgetrennt hatte

Offizielle ISRO-Meldung

India's Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV-F02), with INSAT-4C on board, was launched from Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR (SDSC SHAR), Sriharihota today (July 10, 2006). The lift-off took place at 5:38 p.m. IST. However, GSLV-F02 could not complete the mission. The detailed analysis of the data received from the vehicle is being analysed to pinpoint the exact reasons.

und ein Bericht auf

India's launch of their GSLV (Geo-Synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle) launch vehicle, carrying the the Insat 4C satellite, from Satish Dhawan Space Centre on Shriharikota island, ended with the vehicle exploding shortly after launch.
The launch - which was delayed during the day - saw the vehicle veer off course after the first stage failed to seperate, before an explosion was seen. The rest of the vehicle crashed into the sea.

The launch seemed to be going well until the vehicle reached around 12km - at which point the first stage should have separated.
However, the stage failed to fall away, pulling the vehicle off course, before an explosion was seen - possibly by range safety. The remaining stages and the Insat 4C then crashed into the sea.
Officials are noting a 'design failure' - which is set to be a major blow for India's space ambitions.
The launch debuted their new 'second' pad at the facility, and it is thought that problems with the pad caused the delay, which was called shortly before the opening of its launch window.
The launch was to place India's latest - and largest - communication satellite into orbit, weighing 2.2 tons, as part of the nations plans to continue the progress in making cheap payload launching routine.
"An exhaustive analysis of the missile test launch telemetry data is being conducted by scientists to point out whether the flaw was in design, manufacture or assembly of the country's 3,500 kms range missile", highly placed DRDO sources said to The Hindu media site.
"It is apparent that the separation of the first and second stage did not occur which led to the missile going haywire from target and plunging into the sea, far short of its intended target.
"It was our first experiment with such a long range missile and in the next few days, we will analyse faults in order to rectify them."
INSAT 4C was to be the first of 15 INSAT satellites, all to be launched by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization), each with a mission life of 10 years.
The ride to an elliptical geo-synchronous transfer orbit of 170 km by 36,000 km was to take around 17 minutes, with the orbit then circularised by firings of the liquid apogee motor on board the satellite.
'A launch vehicle is a highly complex system. Preparing it for launch is not easy. During the countdown, various systems and sub-systems are checked [remotely] from the Mission Control Centre, and everything is timed precisely,' ISRO officials told the media, without explaining fully on what the exact problem currently is when a delay was noted earlier.
The three stage vehicle stands 49 metres tall and weighs 414 tonnes. The first stage solid motor has four strap boosters, powered by hypergolic liquid propellants. The second stage also works from hypergols, with the third stage Russian built engine comprising of 12.6 ton of Liquid Oxygen and Liquid Hydrogen.

"To invent an airplane is nothing. To build one is something. But to fly is everything." --Otto Lilienthal


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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #15 am: 10. Juli 2006, 18:47:09 »
Nach ersten Berichten lag es wohl an einem der 4 Flüssigtreibstoffbooster, dessen Schub kurz nach dem Start auf null abfiel wodurch die Rakete vom Kurs abwich und die Selbstzerstörung eingeleitet wurde.


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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #16 am: 13. Juli 2006, 19:01:24 »
Nach der Sprengung der GSLV wurde von der ISRO ein Komitee eingesetzt, welches die Ursache zum Ausfall des untersuchen soll.
July 12, 2006
Following the unsuccessful launch of Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV-F02) with INSAT-4C on board from Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR (SDSC-SHAR), Sriharikota on July 10, 2006, a Failure Analysis Committee has been constituted by Chairman, ISRO. Mr K Narayana, former Director of SDSC-SHAR and presently Senior Advisor at the Centre chairs the Committee. The 15 member Committee includes experts from academic and research institutions besides those from various Centres of ISRO. The Committee will review the performance of all subsystems of GSLV-F02 from lift-off to the termination of flight, identify specific reasons for anomalies observed and recommend corrective measures for future course of action.
The Committee is expected to submit its report in a month's time.

"To invent an airplane is nothing. To build one is something. But to fly is everything." --Otto Lilienthal


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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #17 am: 13. Juli 2006, 21:21:30 »
Hier noch ein paar Bilder vom Start.

India's Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle takes off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, India, Monday, July 10, 2006. The rocket veered off course after takeoff Monday, scuttling the launch of an Indian satellite that was to be used for broadcasting television signals and transmitting data, media reported.

"The lift-off (pictured) was normal. But after a few seconds the vehicle did not follow the designed trajectory. It deviated. After about 60 seconds, some parts of the vehicle broke up." - G. Madhavan Nair.

und noch ein Artikel über den Fehlstart:

« Letzte Änderung: 02. August 2010, 19:24:20 von Schillrich »
"To invent an airplane is nothing. To build one is something. But to fly is everything." --Otto Lilienthal


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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #18 am: 28. Juli 2006, 19:30:31 »
Neu Informationen zum Absturz auf Die ISRO ist gerade dabei den Booster zu suchen der den  Fehler verursacht hat, der liegt in 25 Metern Tiefe im Wasser.

One GSLV strap-on motor recovered from sea
 CHENNAI: A big exercise is under way to recover the debris of the GSLV-F02 (Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle) from the Bay of Bengal off Sriharikota coast. Divers employed by the Department of Ocean Development (DoOD) have already recovered one of the strap-on motors of the GSLV-F02, which plunged into the sea on July 10. But this is not the strap-on engine, which malfunctioned and led to the failure of the flight from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre from Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.


Two DoOD vessels, Sagar Purvi and Sagar Kanya, are using ultrasonic equipment to "sound" the seabed and recover the debris.
G. Madhavan Nair, Chairman, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), said one of the four strap-on motors recovered has been identified. "We are yet to locate the failed engine," he said on Monday from Bangalore.
"We are hopeful we will recover it in the course of this week. We have a certain hypothesis [on why the flight failed]. If we can recover the failed engine, it will be an added input. It will be definitely an invaluable input." On July 10, a couple of seconds after GSLV-F02 lifted off, one of the four strap-on booster engines strung around the core stage, failed. The pressure in that engine dropped to zero and so the vehicle did not build up enough thrust. The rocket veered off its
flight path. The angle of attack, that is the cumulative forces acting on the vehicle, was 10 degrees. The vehicle was designed to withstand an angle of attack of four degrees.
When the rocket hurtled off its trajectory, Range Safety Officer V. Krishnamurthy pressed the `destruct' button, triggering the explosives wired to the rocket.


It was detonated to prevent it from falling on the ground and injuring people. The debris fell into the Bay of Bengal, whose waters surround Sriharikota.
Mr. Nair said that when ISRO asked the DoOD for help in recovering the engines, the DoOD led by its Secretary P.S. Goel was "very cooperative." .
"In [the] normal course, it would have been a difficult exercise. But here, the waters [where the rocket parts fell] are not very deep," Mr. Nair said. The search was under way over an area of 500 metres by 500 metres.

Video pictures

Another top ISRO official said though it was an extensive area "the video pictures of the flight showed the flash points" and "we used the triangulation a little bit to approximately locate the area," where the rocket parts plunged into the sea. This was about six to seven km from the island's shore.
The depth there was not more than 25 metres but still it was difficult for the divers to go in. "If we can lay our hands on the failed engine," it would provide an insight into the reasons behind the failure of the mission, he said.
"It is not that we cannot do our job [of specifying the reason for the failure] without the failed engine but it will always be helpful if we can recover it. Each strap-on engine has identification marks," he said. If the parts had fallen into the deep sea, this exercise would not have been thought of.
In the meantime, members of the Failure Analysis Committee set up to find out the cause of the mission failure were "on their job and going through the data" available, ISRO sources said.

"To invent an airplane is nothing. To build one is something. But to fly is everything." --Otto Lilienthal


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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #19 am: 07. September 2006, 15:03:05 »
Die Ursache war ein Fehlerhafter Regulator in einem der Strap-On Booster, so der Bericht der Fehlersuchkommission.

Simulations and analyses of flight data and verification through calibration tests have led to the conclusion that the propellant regulator in the failed engine had much higher discharge coefficient in its closed condition. The reason for this could be an inadvertent error in manufacturing, which escaped the subsequent inspection, and acceptance test procedures. This regulator has functioned satisfactorily in all the previous 50 engines manufactured and tested so far.

ISRO-Pressemitteilung vom 6. Spetember:


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Re: Insat 4C auf GSLV-F02 (Mk.1) vom SDSC SLP (Fehlstart)
« Antwort #20 am: 07. September 2006, 18:14:41 »
Hier noch ein Bild vom nicht erfolgreichen Start.

"To invent an airplane is nothing. To build one is something. But to fly is everything." --Otto Lilienthal