57. International Astronautical Congress (IAC)

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57. International Astronautical Congress (IAC)
« am: 13. September 2006, 20:09:59 »
Der 57. Internationale Astronautenkongress (International Astronautical Congress (IAC)) findet dieses Jahr in Valencia vom 2.-6. Oktober 2006 statt. Mit dabei sind viele hochrangige Vertreter der Raumfahrtbranche, z.B. Jean-Jacques Dordain, der ESA-Chef, des weiteren diverse ESA-Direktoren, Vertreter vieler großer Raumfahrtfirmen, z.B. Arianespace. Gesprochen werden soll über viele interessante Themen, z.B. Erdbeobachtung, Weltraumerkundung("Space Exploration"), Trägersysteme, Leben auf dem Mars, der Einfluss der Raumfahrt auf die Gesellschaft und der Nutzen der Raumfahrt für die Gesellschaft.


Offizielle Seite:
« Letzte Änderung: 03. Oktober 2006, 22:41:09 von tobi453 »


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Re: 57. International Astronautical Congress (IAC)
« Antwort #1 am: 03. Oktober 2006, 21:47:51 »
Hier eine Pressemitteilung der ESA:

From Earth to Space and back - IAC Valencia
3 October 2006
ESA is presenting current and future European space activities at the 57th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) this week in Valencia. For IAC week the city of Valencia has been transformed into a meeting place for key people engaged in space, including policy makers, professionals and academics, research institutions, universities, industry, media and general public.
Every year, the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) is organised by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) and its associates, the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and the International Institute of Space Law (IISL).

The ESA exhibition allows visitors to discover European space activities, popularising the most recent planetary missions with stunning data from Mars, Titan, Venus and the Moon. The visual impact aims to convey the excitement of such recent discoveries to the public and encourage them to take a greater interest in the fascinating world of space, science and technology.

Playing with different light effects in green, blue and red, the ‘From Earth to Space and Back!’ exhibition invites visitors on a journey into space to discover the important questions being addressed by European space strategy for the coming years.

The exhibition opened on Monday 2 October in the morning and will be visited by professionals from the international space community until Friday 6 October. The public are also invited to visit every afternoon from 15.00 to 18.00.

From Earth to Space and Back! is organised around three main themes: space for daily life, European space infrastructure, and the discovery of new frontiers.

Space for daily life presents European programmes for observing the Earth and solutions to environmental concerns, satellite telecommunications and the new European satellite navigation system, Galileo.

The space infrastructure area shows Europe’s contribution to the International Space Station, including the Automatic Transfer Vehicle, ATV, and focuses on ESA astronaut Thomas Reiter’s long-duration mission on board the ISS. ESA also presents its launchers Ariane 5 and Vega and current plans to launch the Russian-built Soyuz from Europe’s spaceport.

ESA’s missions to the Solar System are presented within the framework of Cosmic Vision, its long term scientific programme, showing the latest results from Mars Express, Venus Express, Huygens and Smart-1.

A special thematic display within the public area of the museum is dedicated to ExoMars, the first ESA rover to visit Mars and the first mission within ESA’s programme for future exploration of the Solar System.

A dedicated programme of events targets young professionals attending the IAC, which is also open to the general public.

Das weitere Programm:

Tuesday 3 October, 16.00-17.00
ESA’s ambitious programme for future exploration of the solar system.

Wednesday 4 October, 16.00-17.00
ESA’s Advanced Studies: new concepts for space

Thursday 5 October
Launchers in Europe




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Re: 57. International Astronautical Congress (IAC)
« Antwort #2 am: 05. Oktober 2006, 18:40:24 »
Die ESA hat ein Video von dem IAC online gestellt, dass man hier herunterladen kann: