also iss hat wieder ATV-5 überholt
aber nun kommen noch "
wenige" kurs manöver
Timeline for ATV-5 docking showing most critical steps on 11 and 12 August. Top three entries refer to 11 August; the rest refer to 12 August. Note this is a convenient guide only and all times are subject to change.
Event Docking countdown GMT CEST Note
Phasing manouevre TB1 (3.7m/s) 20:33:37 16:56:31 18:56:31
Phasing manouevre TB2 (8.4m/s) 19:45:15 17:44:43 19:44:43
Phasing manouevre TB3 (2.9m/s) 18:55:25 18:34:33 20:34:33
Phasing manouevre TV1 (2.5m/s) 11:36:08 01:53:50 3:53:50
Phasing manouevre TV2 (0m/s) 11:12:36 02:17:22 4:17:22
Phasing manouevre TV3 (2.5m/s) 10:49:52 02:40:06 4:40:06
S-1 Waypoint arrival 05:56:07 07:33:51 9:33:51 100km behind ISS
ATV PCE activation 05:45:06 07:44:52 9:44:52 Proximity Communication Equipment - direct ATV-to-ISS comm link
ISS slews to docking attitude LVLH 04:22:58 09:07:00 11:07:00 Orient ISS to Local Vertical Local Horizontal - nadir pointing, non-inertial mode
S-1/2 Waypoint arrival 04:08:00 09:21:58 11:21:58 39km behind ISS
OPALS inhibit (no later than) 04:08:00 09:21:58 11:21:58 Turn Optical Payload for Lasercomm Science (OPALS) off
S1 Waypoint arrival 03:21:39 10:08:19 12:08:19 15km behind ISS
S2 Holdpoint arrival 02:35:10 10:54:48 12:54:48 3.5km behind ISS
ATV Kurs activation 02:34:54 10:55:04 12:55:04
Depart S2 02:04:00 11:25:58 13:25:58
S3 Holdpoint arrival 01:24:00 12:05:58 14:05:58 249m behind ISS
Sunset 01:20:55 12:09:03 14:09:03 ISS/ATV into eclipse
Sunrise 00:49:13 12:40:45 14:40:45
Depart S3 00:47:30 12:42:28 14:42:28
S4 Holdpoint arrival 00:24:00 13:05:58 15:05:58 19m behind ISS
Depart S4 Holdpoint 00:11:00 13:18:58 15:18:58
Arrive S41 Holdpoint 00:08:30 13:21:38 15:21:38 11m behind ISS
Depart S41 Holdpoint 00:03:30 13:26:28 15:26:28
Docking - nominal 00:00:00 13:30:00 15:30:00 Probe contact ein gif lockert das ganze auf