Virgin Galactic soll im Februar 2014 die kommerziellen Flüge beginnen. Mal schauen ob es diesmal mit dem Datum klappt.
Ich glaube da ist ein Zahlendreher:Richtig ist 2041...
Aber mal ehrlich: Die stehen unter Druck. Da haben schon eine Menge reicher Leute Geld überwiesen, und die wollen Taten sehen!
NCC wollte nur witzig sein...
Truth or Consequences SpaceportIn the desert of New Mexico, about 20 miles outside the small town of Truth or Consequences, the world's first purpose-built commercial spaceport is preparing to host its first flights for paying customers later this year. More than 650 tickets have already been sold by Virgin Galactic at a cost of $250,000 apiece, offering passengers a trip into sub-orbital space, where they'll experience several minutes of weightlessness. Spaceport America already has several other tenants, including SpaceX, which is testing a new reusable launch vehicle. Residents of Truth or Consequences are hopeful the spaceport will become a success, and that jobs and tourists will follow. Reuters photographer Lucy Nicholson recently traveled to the area, returning with these photos