5.1.1 Payload Adapters and Separation SystemsThe standard mechanical interface between SpaceX-provided Falcon launch vehicle hardware andcustomer-provided hardware is a 1575-mm (62.01 in.) diameter bolted interface, at the forward end of thelaunch vehicle payload attach fitting (Figure 5-1). This interface is designed to conform to the EELV1575-mm (62.01 in.) diameter medium payload class mechanical interface defined in the EELV StandardInterface Specification Rev. A July 2012.For customers with 937-mm or 1194-mm (36.89 in. or 47.01 in.) clampband interface requirements,SpaceX will either provide and integrate a payload adapter and clampband separation system or willintegrate an adapter and separation system chosen and provided by the customer, as a standard service.For customers with alternative interface requirements, SpaceX can procure almost any industry-standardadapter system as a nonstandard service. SpaceX has experience integrating numerous commerciallyavailable and internally developed adapters and separation systems. Falcon 9 is compatible with adapterand separation system products offered by RUAG, CASA, Planetary Systems Corporation and otherindustry-leading providers.